Show Hide on Mobile
Show or hide element on mobile.
Standalone Library
You can download the plugin as a standalone library in this page.
Or simply insert this into your <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
One Breakpoint
There are only one breakpoint in Mobi.css. It separates the mobile and desktop.
Device with width less than 768px
will be recognized as mobile device.
Device with width equal or more than 768px
will be recognized as desktop device.
Show on Mobile
Element with .show-on-mobile
will only show on mobile:
This part will only show on mobile
<p class="show-on-mobile">
This part will only show on mobile
Hide on Mobile
Element with .hide-on-mobile
will hide on mobile and show on desktop:
<p class="hide-on-mobile">
This part will hide on mobile